Intelligence testing is now very easy with WISC-R, the most popular intelligence test in the world. Especially conscious parents put their children to this test at certain December ages. It is very easy to do this intelligence test, which is very important for the future of children.The Group to Whom the Intelligence Test will be applied: The intelligence test is generally 6?it is applied for the 16 age group. This test is an individual test and is applied to one person in one session. The questions of each subtest are directed to the child in accordance with the instructions and the child is asked to answer these questions.Qualification and Training of Practitioners: Those who apply the measurement tool must have a certificate by participating in the educational life provided by official and private organizations and professional organizations related to this measurement tool, as well as a bachelor’s degree in psychological counseling and guidance, psychological services in education, and psychology.WISC ? R intelligence test ? it was also prepared for adults in 1939. This scale, which was briefly called W-B (Wechsler-Bellevue), was renovated in 1955 and its name was changed to WAIS(Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale). in 1949, the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) was developed by David Wecsler (1896-1981) and prepared for children aged 6-16, 11 years. This scale was revised and standardized in 1974, resulting in the WISC-R (Revised). Wechsler then prepared the WPPSI (Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Preschool Children) for preschool children aged 4-6 and 2. Although the age groups targeted by the Wechsler scales are different from each other, there are Verbal and Performance sections on all three scales. Each of the two sections consists of different sub-sections or scales from each other. The most important benefit of the new system introduced by Wechsler is to be able to see the child’s place among his peers and to be able to make some comparisons over time1. the WISC-R intelligence test, which is applied to individuals between the ages of 6-16, is applied individually in about 60-70 minutes. Dec.Performance Measurements in Intelligence test
A) Verbal 1- General Knowledge; It is a subtest that shows the level of knowledge about how much information the child receives from the natural environment, school environment and cultural environment.
2- Similarities; It is a subtest that shows whether the child can Decipher and generalize when establishing similarities between two things, as well as whether he can express it correctly.
3- Arithmetic is a time-limited subtest that shows the ability to direct attention to a problem and learn.
4- Vocabulary is a subtest that shows the number of words the child knows and the ability to express.
5- Judging is a subtest that shows the level of reasoning, reasoning, emotional and logical maturity.
6- Number Sequence; It is a subtest that shows the child’s ability to remember auditory stimuli.B) Performance1-Picture Completion; It is a subtest related to the ability to focus attention on visual stimuli. The child is asked to distinguish the missing details in the picture.
2-Image Editing; Perceiving the sequence of events, being able to establish a cause-and-effect relationship, is a subtest related to reasoning power.
3-Pattern with Cubes; Visual ? mobile ? it is a sub-test related to spatial coordination and the ability to predict Decently when going to the whole in the relationship between the parts.
4-Piece Joining is related to visual-mobile coordination, understanding the whole relationship of the piece.
5-Password; It is a sub-test related to working speed, visual mobile coordination, sequencing, psychomotor speed, remembering visual stimuli and concentration ability.
6-Mazes are a subtest related to hand-eye coordination, figure-ground perception. *The subtests of numbers and mazes are additional tests that help.Oct.Areas where Intelligence Testing is Used If we look at the areas where intelligence Testing is used specifically, these can be listed as learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention deficit, school failure, perception difficulties, introversion, exam anxiety, lack of self-confidence, communication difficulties, anxieties, aggression and stubbornness.