Meniere’s Disease

Balancing the fluid in the inner ear is a problem with its adjustment. The actual cause of the disease is unknown.

The inner ear is related to hearing and balance and consists of a capsule filled with liquid. In Meniere’s disease, the pressure of this fluid increases. Increased pressure leads to tinnitus, a feeling of congestion in the ear, decreased hearing, and a feeling of dizziness.

The disease is characterized by dizziness, fluctuations in hearing and tinnitus. It may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, sweating and diarrhea.

Attacks are usually sudden in onset and their duration can vary Decently from 20 minutes to 24 hours. In many cases, the attacks come back to back. There are frequent recurrent attacks that last for weeks, and there is a return to normal that lasts for weeks, months. Hearing loss is due to damage to the auditory nerve. In the early stages of the disease, hearing loss occurs during attacks, then returns to normal. As the disease progresses, the ability of the auditory nerve to recover decreases, and permanent hearing loss occurs.

Rarely, dizziness may occur only intermittently, without hearing loss, ear pressure or ringing. In the same way, without dizziness, there may be intermittent hearing loss, ear pressure, ringing.

Meniere’s disease is usually seen in one ear, but both ears may be affected.

Drug therapy : The purpose of drug therapy is to reduce fluid pressure in the inner ear. This is achieved by eating little salt and using diuretic drugs.

Salt causes water to remain in the body, so salt restriction is performed. Diuretics are also used for the same purpose. This treatment can be used for months or even years to control the disease.

Drugs that suppress the balance system can also be added to the treatment. Basically, these drugs ensure that the brain does not pay attention to abnormal impulses from the ear.

Surgical treatment : Surgical treatment is performed in cases where drug therapy is not successful and severe dizziness is present. Every effort is made to preserve hearing; therefore, the type of operation depends on how much hearing in the ear is lost. After the operation, hearing usually remains the same, although it is possible to decrease. The ringing may be better or may remain the same.

Depending on the type of operation, excellent treatment of dizziness is possible. Episodes of dizziness can occur in the form of dizziness for half to a year, then when the brain and the other ear take over the task, this condition also passes.

Selim Positional Vertigo

It is the most common cause of dizziness caused by the inner ear. It is believed that the complaints are the result of a collapse of calcium crystals, somewhere in the inner ear. These crystals, by gravity and head movements, move in the inner ear fluid. This disease can occur spontaneously, after a viral illness, or after a head injury.

In this disease, a state of dizziness, dizziness that occurs with changes in head and body positions, sometimes accompanied by nausea, is observed. It is very typical for it to start, especially when turning from right to left in bed. Complaints last for a few seconds or minutes. When complaints arise, the responsible ear is the one that is usually facing towards the ground. There are no complaints such as hearing loss, feeling of pressure in the ear or ringing.

This is a benign condition, because it will improve on its own. Recovery can take weeks, months, and rarely a year.

Drugs that suppress the balance system are used. Surgery may rarely be required.

Vestibular Neurinitis (Labyrinthitis)

In this disease, there is swelling in the nerve cells located in the balance section of the inner ear. It is thought to be caused by a viral infection. People may say that they have an upper respiratory tract infection, a common cold, before their complaints begin.

Sudden dizziness, nausea, loss of balance are observed; hearing is normal. The complaints are severe at the beginning, the person needs help for up to ten days while walking, and it may take weeks or even months for the person to be able to do all their work and drive. When the person turns his head suddenly, he may continue to feel temporary dizziness or lightheadedness. This may take up to a year.

In order for complaints to pass, drugs that suppress the balance system are used. Medications are most effective when they are taken three times a day. When the dizziness begins to subside, the medications are also reduced and eventually discontinued. Rarely, if the complaints last for more than a year, the operation can be performed.

When the brain and the other ear take over their functions, full recovery occurs. This process can be a year, and in between, psychological and physical stresses can lead to a temporary increase in complaints. Dec. Even if complaints increase with stress, it is important to increase physical activity over time. Know that the things that happen to you are a normal healing process; keep in mind that you are not having a bad effect on your ear or healing.

Perilymph Fistula

This discomfort may occur as a result of a sudden pressure change in situations such as landing of the aircraft, deep diving, head injury. A change in pressure can cause a tear in the membranes separating the middle ear and the inner ear, and inner ear fluid flows into the middle ear.

“Dizziness” and a “feeling of dizziness” occur with head movements. “Hearing loss” may or may not be accompanied by “pressure or ringing in the ear”.

Most of the time, this tear heals on its own, there is no need for treatment. In rare cases, dizziness becomes permanent. If progressive hearing loss occurs, surgery may be required.

During the operation, the detection and repair of this torn area is carried out.

Acoustic Neurinoma

“Acoustic neurinoma” is the name given to the most common benign tumor that occurs in the balance nerve. The tumor grows very slowly, so it may take years before the complaints become obvious.

“Dizziness” is usually not observed, because the tumor gradually grows, the brain and the other ear take over its task. Instead, the patient may feel a sense of imbalance. The first complaint that arises may be “tinnitus”. Ringing occurs when the growing tumor stimulates the nerve. As the tumor grows, the auditory part of the nerve is also affected, and hearing impairment occurs.

The diagnosis is made by computed tomography or magnetic resonance examinations.

The treatment is the surgical removal of the tumor.

Dizziness Due to Old Age

Like many changes that occur in old age, there are also changes in the systems responsible for maintaining balance.

Changes affecting balance: In the elderly, as well as hearing loss, sensitivity to changes in the balance nerve, such as rotation, acceleration, decreases. There may be a decrease in nerve impulses, or the brain may not be able to fully evaluate the impulses that come to it; in either case, the discomfort manifests itself as dizziness.

Decreased vision, blurred vision or eye strain at close view are also added to this. A decrease in the elasticity of the lenses in the eye leads to this, and this condition can be corrected with bifocal glasses. Conditions such as eye pressure, cataracts also affect vision, leading to a decrease in information going to the brain.

There are also changes in the nerve endings found in the muscles, fibers, joints in the arms and legs. Nov. An advanced degree of tilt may occur in the spine or the overall November muscle mass may be reduced. Diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism lead to weakening of the sensory nerves in the hands and arms, thus, there is a decrease in information transmitted to the brain about the body position.

Symptoms of dizziness due to aging:

Feelings such as “dizziness, rotation, emptiness at first” may occur when turning or changing position quickly, bending or suddenly straightening up, looking down or up.
When walking, it may feel as if it tends to sway from side to side.

How are complaints minimized? There are no medications that will eliminate the complaints that occur with old age, but there are ways to help:

When you wake up in the morning, sit on the side of the bed for a few minutes before getting out of bed.
Move slowly when changing position or turning. Keep something with you to help balance yourself.
Since looking up or down, bending down, suddenly straightening up can make you “dizzy”, keep something to hold on to at this time.
Never walk in the dark at any time. When you get up at night, turn on a bright light. Keep a night light in your bathroom.
If you have a lot of problems walking, use a cane. Remember, the cane is not only for you to get strength; it provides an increase in information going to your brain from your arms and legs.
If you have any conditions such as diabetes, eye pressure, high blood pressure, rheumatism, keep them under control with appropriate medications and diets.