General internal medicine is a discipline that forms the basis of all clinical branches of medicine. The problems of the majority of patients applying to health institutions fall within the scope of internal medicine. It covers a wide range of diseases such as upper and lower respiratory tract diseases, hypertension, gastrointestinal system diseases, kidney diseases, thyroid diseases, diabetes and rheumatic diseases.

In our hospital, general internal medicine service is provided 24 hours a day by internal medicine specialists.

In addition, the branch of internal medicine includes outpatient examination, inpatient follow-up and treatment, emergency service and check-up.

What Diseases Does Internal Medicine Treat?
Diabetes Mellitus
Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Liver, Gallbladder diseases
Endocrinology (Thyroid, adrenal gland, pituitary and diseases)
Metabolic diseases and obesity (cholesterol, high triglycerides, gout, other metabolic diseases)
Digestive system diseases (ulcer, gastritis, reflux disease, colitis)
Anemia and blood diseases, diagnosis and treatment