We should be proud that our country’s doctors and experts are constantly improving themselves in the field of hair transplantation, and the studies and results have made Istanbul a world brand in aesthetic operations. Hair transplantation performed without shaving the hair is called unshaven hair transplantation. In our Private Meltem Hospital Hair Transplantation and Hair Treatments center, we provide hair transplantation services to people who have a lot of work-intensive social life, without having their hair cut.
How Does It Affect the Result?
Unshaved hair transplantation varies depending on the size of the hair loss area. When transplanting to areas with palm-sized loss, hair transplantation can be performed without cutting the person’s hair. In cases where the balding area is larger, shaving the hair brings the following advantages.
a. Getting the best aesthetic result
b. Being able to work in more detail
c. Providing a hygiene and sterile environment
D. Easier visibility of planting direction
The comprehensive and meticulous work of Fue hair transplantation specialists in the grooving process is one of the most important factors in achieving correct results. To summarize, all the reasons for shaving the hair before hair transplantation are for the benefit of the patient.
How To?
Do Prices Change Compared to the Classical Method?
Yes. Whether or not the hair is cut increases the effort and time spent on the area. Compared to the advantages of working on a shaved area, transplantation is less difficult than operations performed without cutting the hair. Especially for this reason, unshaven hair transplantation prices may be different compared to the classical FUE hair transplantation method.
Recovery Time
We know that crusting during hair transplantation is a disturbing situation for patients. So much so that this handicap is “can hair transplantation be done without shaving?” It is also the starting point of your questions. Even though our patients who want to return to social life quickly forget about this situation with the growth of new hair after the healing process, it is a fact that redness and crusting after hair transplantation makes us think about hair transplant candidates as we enter 2016. The unshaven hair transplantation we developed based on all these requests is a solution to the problems of some of our patients, with its advantages and disadvantages. Patients can return to work the day after transplantation. Depending on the way the hair is combed, whether the operation has been performed or not can be hidden for 10 days. After the first week, scars and crusts disappear and there is no need to hide the redness at the roots of the hair.
Who is Suitable for Hair Transplantation Without Shaving?
Hair transplant candidates who indicate their desire to have their hair transplanted without cutting them receive detailed information from experts after the analysis. The final decision is made by experts who examine the donor area and transplant area. Private Meltem Hospital has adopted the principle of “achieving success with many references, not too many advertisements” and continues its success with this goal. For this reason, in cases that may negatively affect hair transplantation, the hair should be cut and the reasons are explained to the transplant candidate in a suitable language. In such approaches, patients who want the transplant to give good results are first of all. He already understands.