Prenatal Preparation
The sighting, the pains that are accompanied by contractions and/or the arrival of water indicate to us that the labor has begun. These three symptoms are not sequential. It can be seen in different orders in each woman and in each birth of a woman.

Engagement: a slimy plug, such as a pellet, forms in the cervix, which is closed during pregnancy, in order to protect the uterus and the baby from infections. This gag is also called engagement. This plug falls out of the cervix, which expands due to the effect of contractions in the uterus. The pregnant woman notices this in the form of discharge. This slimy plug is also slightly smeared with pinkish blood (but not bleeding). Among the people, this is also called a sign, an engagement, a trace. Dec. When the engagement comes, it is not necessary to go to the hospital immediately. This indicates that the birth is very close, today the birth will take place tomorrow. You have time to review the preparations.

The arrival of water
The water sac protecting the baby may rupture under the influence of stresses and contractions. That’s why amniotic fluid comes out of the uterus akar.Su if the sac is torn from the upper region and in the form of a scrape, amniotic fluid may flow in the form of a leak. For this reason, pregnant women may think that they are urinary incontinence or that there is wetness due to discharge. The amniotic fluid is not dark, thick like a discharge, but fluid like water. Its color is light yellow or like linden tea. it does not leave layers like discharge in the laundry. For this reason, sneezing is not similar to urinary incontinence, which is caused by such as coughing. It also has its own unique smell. Taking into account these differences, it is distinguished by the pregnant whether the wetness is related to the opening of the sac.

After the amniotic sac ruptures, it becomes easier for the baby and the mother’s uterus to get germs. Therefore, when the water comes or is suspected, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately. Sometimes women delay going to the hospital because even if the water comes, the pain has not started. This condition can cause the mother and baby to contract some diseases transmitted by microbes. The majority of pregnant women whose water sacs rupture before childbirth feel the first contractions within 12 hours; most of the rest feel them within 24 hours. However, for about one in 10 women, it takes longer for labor to begin. As time passes, the risk of infection of the baby and/or mother from a ruptured amniotic sac will increase, most doctors initiate labor with oxytocin within 24 hours after the sac ruptures, if the expected date is close, a small number of doctors prefer to initiate it within 6 hours. Recent studies show that waiting more than 24 hours to start childbirth in a pregnancy that has reached this point is not beneficial, on the contrary, it is harmful.

Be Careful Of Infections
If there is a leak or discharge coming from your vagina, call your doctor or midwife. Dec Jul: Meanwhile, keep the vaginal area as clean as possible to protect from infection; do not take a bath or have sexual intercourse; use a pad to absorb amniotic fluid (not a tampon); do not attempt to examine yourself from the inside; clean from front to back in the toilet.

Rarely, when the incoming part of the baby has not yet settled into the pelvis and the sacs rupture prematurely (most often in cases where the baby is premature or breech arrival), the umbilical cord “folds on itself” and pushes against the cervix, or even may land in the vagina with the flow of amniotic fluid. If you can see an umbilical cord at the exit of your vagina or if you feel like there is something inside your vagina, go to the hospital immediately.

Pain: Another symptom that indicates the beginning of labor is the feeling of pain along with hardening in the abdomen. These pains, which are initially mild, short-lived and infrequent, gradually become longer, severe and frequent.

Most women who are going to be mothers for the first time (in these, labor pains usually start slowly and contractions gradually increase) can safely spend the first few hours at home. However, if your contractions started very strong -contractions that last at least 45 seconds and come more frequently than 5 minutes- and/or if you have given birth before, the first few hours may be the entirety of the pains. Most likely, the first stage of childbirth has passed without pain, and your cervix has expanded sufficiently during this time. Not calling your doctor -and risking trying to get to the hospital at the last minute- can have worse consequences than calling right now.

However, it will be good if you have counted several consecutive contractions. When reporting contractions, be sure about their frequency, duration and strength. Do not avoid showing your discomfort in order to speak in a calm tone of voice. (Your doctor will be experienced in understanding the stage of labor from the voice of a woman speaking during a contraction.)

If you feel that you are ready, but your doctor does not agree, do not be satisfied with the “wait” answer. Go to the hospital and tell him you want to get checked out. You can take your suitcase with you “just in case”, but also be prepared to return home if your cervix has just started to open.

When labor pains start, you do not need to go to the hospital immediately. However, if the pains come about every 4-5 minutes, you should be in the hospital. Sometimes false labor pains that mimic real labor pains alarm the pregnant woman and her partner and cause her to go to the hospital. When faced with such a situation, it is necessary to monitor and observe some differences in order to distinguish whether the pains are real or false.

False birth pains:

It is irregular in its frequency, severity
It can be passed with walking, massage and rest
The pain is felt in the lower back, groin and abdomen
It does not cause softening and opening at the tip of the uterus.
Real birth pains:

It Is Regular
In any case, it continues, it does not pass
The pain feels the same at every point in the lower back, groin and abdomen
Causes softening and opening up
They can be made at home:

You can walk around or rest.
A shower can be taken.
Massage can be performed. Applying pressure from the waist to the hip and with the heel of the hand on the waist and hip may be relaxing.
The suitcase can be checked.
Urination is performed by going to the toilet frequently.
Those that are inconvenient to do:

Something should not be eaten when the pains begin. Eating or drinking too much liquid can lead to vomiting.
If necessary, very small amounts of liquid can be taken.
It will give a little energy, sugar that melts in the mouth, chocolate is edible.